Gambia Course Summary (SLI refers to where the training was just for the Sign Language Interpreters, DEAF where their are Deaf people involved as presenters, in role plays, and feeding back)
- Introductions / Culture / Flip cameras
- Presentations: Deaf people’s lives and challenges in the Gambia / Deaf Culture / GSL as a developing language. (DEAF)
- Why communicate? Why interpret? What is the main purpose for an interpreter?
- Meeting with GADHOH (SLI)
- Meeting with local Deaf people - what do Deaf people want from interpreters? (DEAF)
- GSL as a Visual language / SL to English continuum
- Why do interpreters need linguistic knowledge?
- What is an interpreter (World Federation of the Deaf definition)?
- How to develop role & code of ethics reflect Deaf, hearing, interpreter?
- GSL and interpreting – what Deaf people would like interpreters to know. (DEAF)
- Intro to Linguistics / Register & Language style.
- Professional Development Plans (PDPs) and SMART
- English production - GSL to English Exercises
- Explore GSL grammar on video
- Translation - Simultaneous Interpreting / (SLI only) Video & Mac practice.
- Common Interpreting Challenges
- Sign Language Linguistics - Manual features / Non-manual features / Use of topographic and syntactic space / Proforms / Pronouns / Classifiers / English Production Exercises
- Half way test.
- Sign Language Linguistics - timelines, questions, rhetorical questions, affirmation, negation, affirmation, list buoys, started verbs.
- (SLI only) rationale, priorities & plan for GASLI.
- Interpreting Theory: Models: Helper, Conduit / Machine, Communication Facilitator, Bilingual Bicultural / Ally.
- Modes: Translation, Sight Translation, Consecutive, Simultaneous.
- Equivalencies: in achieving the communication objectives (intent) of the participants; of information (information meaning), in achieving equal relevance of information (cultural meaning), of prosody, and of surface structure.
- Visual GSL: Perspective / Point of View (POV) – perspective roof / high dive / 2D & 3D – shape & thing (Geometric shapes)
- Glossing - recording signs & signed utterances in writing.
- Monitoring, observation, feedback, analysis - using films of interpreters working.
- Analysis (Cokely) - Dysfunctional / Intrusive or deferred interpretation / Deceptive / Successful (Applied to role plays)
- What makes us uncomfortable (Part 1)? Abusive words in English.
- SLI Observation & feedback (Part 2) / (Amadou / Bai / Yahya Sanneh - GSL training)
- What makes us uncomfortable (Part 2)? GSL abusive signs & English equivalents - when culturally equal or culturally different. Taboos. (DEAF)
- Meta-comments
- GASLI Planning. (SLI)
- Interpreting in Health settings. 5 role plays & discussion. (DEAF)
- Interpreting in Health settings. 5 role plays & discussion. (DEAF)
- End of course test.
- Student presentations: Bakary Equivalence, Yahya J Feedback, Bai Common Interpreting Challenges, Mansata Manual and NMF, Amadou Role of Interpreters in Institutions (DEAF), Lamin Register / Formality Styles.
- Students GSL presentations. (DEAF)
- Individual and team planning. PDPs. Supporting new interpreters.
- Feedback from Test.
- Top-up session: Visual GSL & Sign order / SSE-GSL-Visual GSL simultaneous interpreting demo / Preparation / Interpreting from speed / Staying healthy / Exercises - Back translation / just voice / Mirroring GSL
- GASLI plans
- 10 key learning / Course summary / Handouts & File structure (USBs)
- Review course aims (students requests) / Feedback & reflections on the course
- Throughout the course - Flip, video & mac sessions. (SLI)
Overview of Interpreting Course handouts and materials.
This version isn't numbered, as sequential numbering through different headings wouldn't work on the web page. It also contains the additional guidance for the students.
GASLI 2004 Handbook:
Course Introduction:
Professional Development:
Observation & Feedback:
Professional Development Plans (PDPs):
Professional Development Exercises:
Role Plays:
Reflective Practice and Learning Journals:
Deaf People in The Gambia:
GSL as a Visual Language
Interpreting and interpreters
GASLI Ethics etc
Filming / Equipment / Data Storage
This version isn't numbered, as sequential numbering through different headings wouldn't work on the web page. It also contains the additional guidance for the students.
- Folders & Handouts
- Development program list of sessions
- Ten key learning points. If you only ever look at one thing again …
- Course summary with learning points (from discussions & student learning)
- Gambia Interpreter Training Project proposal (USB only)
GASLI 2004 Handbook:
- GASLI 2004 Handbook (editable doc & PDF)
Course Introduction:
- Session Summary
Professional Development:
- Conscious competence cycle FULL GUIDE (USB only. Interesting.)
- Student Feedback form (USB only)
- GASLI Handbook - on interpreter development. (USB only)
Observation & Feedback:
- Observation and Feedback check list
- Ten steps Observation and Feedback
- Four categories of Interpretation Analysis (Cokely)
- An overview of things you can feedback on (USB only. Useful when had more practice O&F.)
Professional Development Plans (PDPs):
- PDP full guide - including SMART. (USB only. Worth reading).
- GADHOH blank PDP
- Sample completed PDP
- Various other blank PDPs (USB only)
Professional Development Exercises:
- 37 Professional Development Exercises. (Most USB only. You should try these out. Ones used on course labelled - on course).
Role Plays:
- Medical and Education Role play scenarios, with explanation of challenge for interpreter. (USB only)
- Half way test - with Answers
- End of course test - with Answers
- Test questions from Jemina Napier’s course (USB only. You can challenge yourself).
Reflective Practice and Learning Journals:
- Reflective Practice and Learning Journals FULL GUIDE (USB only)
- Guide to writing a Reflective Journal EXTRA READING (USB only)
- Critical Analysis EXTRA READING (USB only)
- Conscious competence cycle FULL GUIDE
- Blank Learning Journals (LJ) (USB only)
- Training Log (for recording your training) (USB only)
- An Introduction to Culture and student Presentations
- What is Deaf Culture - a short intro.
- Suggested examples of Gambia Deaf Culture (Values / Behaviours) V2 (USB only)
Deaf People in The Gambia:
- GADHOH / Deaf priorities (from meeting) / Issues & code of ethics & practice suggestions
- Suggested examples of Gambia Deaf Culture (Values / Behaviours) (in CULTURE)
- What is Deaf Culture - a short intro. (in CULTURE)
- Deaf people’s live and challenges in the Gambia / Deaf Culture / Gambian Sign language. Questions and suggestions for presenters.
- GSL and interpreting – what Deaf people would like interpreters to know? Questions and suggestions for presenters.
GSL as a Visual Language
- Visual GSL
- Visual GSL teaching Plan
- Seven visual exercises (also in exercises)
- Why must interpreters understand linguistics and grammar
- Linguistics terminology - introduction
- Register / formality style
- Sign Language Linguistics V2 (This version USB only. Printed as V1, Sign Order, and SL extra bits)
- Glossing V2
Interpreting and interpreters
- Interpreting Terminology
- Preparing for an assignment
- WFD about Interpreting
- WASLI Statement on Interpreter Role (USB only)
- Common interpreting challenges
- Interpreting things that feel fast
- Staying healthy as an interpreter
GASLI Ethics etc
- Copy ASLI membership card (USB only)
- Whether should accept an assignment or not (USB only - worth reading)
- Setting up GASLI
- Zane comments re setting up GASLI (USB only)
- Three Association Constitutions (USB only)
- WASLI objectives (USB only)
- Ethics etc (for developing GASLIs ethics etc.)
- Principles Ethics Guidelines - including Deaf perspectives and values
- GH (2005 GASLI Handbook) Dressing and behaviour
- GH Rules and responsibilities
- GH Old Code of Ethics
Filming / Equipment / Data Storage
- Gambia filming permission form V2
- Tips on filming Sign Language users and interpreting
- Using Camera and Storing Film (may need changing)
- Equipment list V2 (USB only)
- How to reset and charge Flip Camera